Congratulations and welcome to parenthood.
There are countless parenting philosophies but we believe the best way to parent is with love.
Now is the time to follow your instincts!
The most important thing for you to read here is that you are not alone. It's so easy to feel isolated in motherhood and parenthood but the reality is that we all feel like we aren't good enough, when we are indeed doing an excellent job.
Join our community and feel supported.
You can tap into our Facebook page that's a community of over 200,000 plus size women supporting one another before, during and after pregnancy. As well as our Instagram feed full of support and inspiration!
Below are some tips to help you survive the next forty minutes let alone the next forty years.
Planning for Postpartum
If you're still in the planning phase, we have a great resource to support you with plus size postpartum tips.
Share Your Birth Story!
Write your birth story and even share it with other plus size families if you feel compelled. Here's a resource on where to start when it comes to writing out your birth experience.
Feeling Blue?
You’re not alone and it’s completely normal! According to one in seven women suffers from postpartum depression.
It’s so important to seek support be it from your loved ones or online resources. There's also a toll-free number you can call for support 1-800-944-4773.
Please know that about 80% of people will experience some level of “baby blues” so it's really common to feel blue.
Things you can do to help yourself during this time is to get a lot of rest (though that's hard to do with a newborn – we know), exercise (once you're cleared by your care provider), and try to reduce your stress levels as much as possible.
The most important thing is to build a circle of support and to know that there's no shame in asking for help! l
Breastfeeding Support
Breastfeeding and bodyfeeding isn't easy for everyone, so if you're struggling you're not doing anything wrong!
Connect with our plus size breastfeeding resources that will support and encourage success with breastfeeding.
Take Care!
Remember it took nine months to grow a baby and your body needs at least that much time to heal. Try your best to continue to care for your body the same way you did when you were carrying your child.
Be kind to yourself and when you feel ready, connect with our site and podcast Plus Mommy for even more motherhood resources and a ton of body love.
You can get our free 10 Steps To Body Love today!