How much does your BMI increase the odds of shoulder dystocia?
You might have heard that BMI increases the odds of shoulder dystocia. But by how much? Let’s look at the evidence!
You might have heard that BMI increases the odds of shoulder dystocia. But by how much? Let’s look at the evidence!
Around ten weeks of pregnancy, your care provider will offer you a noninvasive prenatal screen. Also known as noninvasive prenatal testing.
While there certainly are a few books available, the My Plus Size Pregnancy Guide is the best plus size pregnancy book you can find!
Encouraging women to have an orgasm while in labor isn’t something new – but I’m thrilled it was part of this Grey’s Anatomy storyline.
Yet, more and more hospitals are banning birth photos until after the baby is not only born but also cleaned.
Stew in that for a minute and think about your answer, and how these questions make you feel. If you’re offended that someone would even ask, that’s a healthy response.
While I define plus size as a clothing size, I’m less concerned about how others define plus size. I’m more concerned about providing supportive resources!
C-section for Plus Size Women is an article from women who have experienced a c-section for women who are preparing to have one.
I created a safe space to have a natural childbirth in a hospital by limiting people in the room, wearing my own clothes, and setting the right tone.