A Journey In Self-Love Through My Plus-Size Pregnancy And Birth
My journey in self-love truly went through a transformation through my plus-size pregnancy, birth, and motherhood.
From home birth to cesarean birth, these plus size birth stories will touch your heart. Every story is unique and inspiring.
My journey in self-love truly went through a transformation through my plus-size pregnancy, birth, and motherhood.
This hospital natural plus size birth story is full of laughter, self-advocacy, and love! It is possible to have a positive outcome when properly supported.
I did it – I have my VBAC birth story! This is one Vaginal Birth After Ceserean birth story you won’t soon forget as the mom didn’t make it to the hospital.
This birth story isn’t the experience Brook ever thought she’d have to share, but it’s hers and it matters! Just like all Plus Size Birth stories matter.
My wife and I wanted to start a family right away, we just were not sure how we were going accomplish our dream of becoming mommies.
After being monitored twice a week from weeks 35 – 37, my blood pressure was still creeping up each appointment. This is my 38 week induction birth story.
I never thought I would be a mom because of my size. Then I got pregnant! This is my 400 pound birth story with a good doctor and amazing support system.
This story of miscarriages and one stillbirth contains a trigger warning for pregnancy loss, stillbirth, and assault. My name is April-Marie and I live with a condition that most people do not know exists. Or some have a lack of proper education about it. Most people don’t understand my frustrations when I tell them I…
I had an amazing all natural birth. Then at my baby’s twenty-four-hour newborn screening, it was discovered that my son had congenital heart defects.
Like many cesarean birth moms, Heather hears people say, “a c-section is an easy way out.” Heather’s birth was anything besides easy. This is her story!
At about 38 weeks, my blood pressure spiked just enough to nudge us towards the decision to induce. I trusted my doc completely.
It was time to let go of the natural birth idea and let science listen to the message Mother Nature was sending. It was time to have a plus size emergency c-section.
The news, of having a Single Umbilical Artery pregnancy, cast a shadow of uncertainty over what should have been a giddy, happy, excited time preparing for the arrival of our first child.
I had planned a plus size natural birth from the beginning. So I was trying to mentally talk myself into believing that I could handle the pain for just a few seconds at a time.
So many of us, experiencing an obese pregnancy, have been misled to believe we can’t have a healthy outcome. The reality is people of all sizes can and do have healthy pregnancies! This is Adriane’s story.
The birth story of Georgia Lin truly demonstrates the difference in care plus size people receive when they connect with size-friendly care providers.
I think back at those amazingly hard 30 hours and how emotional they were. I can’t believe I doubted my body and my baby. This is my plus size VBAC story!
Moral of my story, as a plus size mom, is that you get to take your care into your own hands. This is my transfer birth story from a birth center to the hospital.
After years of not conceiving I thought it wasn’t possible. I was shocked to see that perfect little plus sign. I immediately worried, would I have a healthy plus size pregnancy and baby? Would l look pregnant or just fat? I had so many plus size pregnancy fears!
The loss of a pregnancy is something that impacts people in many different ways – and all of those ways should be honored. A mother should be supported as well as her partner. This is one mom’s story of giving birth after pregnancy loss…
My body did know what to do, and it was doing it! This is Sarah’s plus size VBAC homebirth story following a traumatic cesarean birth.
The night before I got the positive pregnancy test, I had a dream. A little boy with brown hair, waiting calmly. This is my birth center birth story!
I thought my body was a failure because we had a different journey than others. But then I look at my daughter and think to myself “my goodness, my body was perfect for her”.
Not all pregnancies, births, or postpartum experiences go according to plan. This is Letrez’s plus size c-section birth story. This is a mother’s strength!
As a surgical nurse, I know that a controlled situation is much better than an emergency. I did not want to get into an emergency situation so I opted to go for the controlled c-section.
My baby girl Everly Noelle was born on January 18th, 2016! She was two weeks early, born via unplanned c-section because of her size. My husband is 6’8 and I’m 5’11 …we are big people so clearly a big baby was on the way!
Ever since I was 9 years-old I have wanted to be a surrogate. When I heard some women carried babies for other women who were unable, I thought it was so incredible and I told myself right then that if I was lucky enough to be able to have healthy pregnancies, this is what I wanted to do.
Trista joins the Plus Size Mommy Memoirs blog to share the birth of Maya. This is her second child and she had a home birth in Canada.
They tried to be as reassuring as possible, but let me know another c-section would be a possibility depending on how the next few hours played out. I had silent tears, I prayed, I talked to my body, I talked to my baby, I pretty much begged the universe to let me have this baby vaginally. I eventually drifted off to sleep, too tired to cry or do much of anything else.
I believe in my mother’s era there was a popular song with the lyric………”Love, Marriage, and then something about a Baby Carriage” and though after being the oldest child of four children who felt like she had already been a mom and therefore believing I did not want to have my own children, I arrived home from my honeymoon in July of 1978 with my hormones raging with those song lyrics playing over and over in my head!
I always wanted to be a mommy and all I had were the heartbreaking search results that told me it would be a gift I might never receive.
This is a beautiful hospital birth story of a plus size mom who felt completely supported by compassionate care providers and her loving family.
When I was 17 I was diagnosed with PCOS and told because of it and my size I would be unlikely to have children. I always wanted to be a mother, it was my biggest dream.
Jesika bought into all of the plus size pregnancy myths and assumed she’d have a difficult pregnancy and birth due to her size.
When Michelle posted her, I didn’t know I was pregnant story, on the Plus Size Mommy Memoirs Facebook page I immediately wanted to know more.
Vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) birth story shared by a plus size mom, her size 24 body is capable of birthing! That’s a beautiful thing!
I am sharing my story because I found great comfort in reading the memoirs of other mommies who had delivered naturally, especially women considered plus-size.
Meg shares her incredible natural birth story while having the flu. She wasn’t able to touch her new baby boy for 48 hours after his birth. I can’t imagine.
Many people believe that twins must be before via c-section. However, it is possible for plus size women to birth twins vaginally! This is one story….
By the six month mark, I decided I wanted to have a home birth myself, and spent some time warming my husband up to the idea of it. Eventually he got on board and decided to support me to have whatever type of birth I wanted.
An Australian plus size birth story of fear and then transformation. This woman feared she couldn’t have a healthy outcome. But she did!
After two attempts at home births ending with emergency c-sections Kelli knew this time would be different…she would have a VBA2C!