woman in hospital after having a stillbirth

What 5 Miscarriages And One Stillbirth Taught Me About PCOS

This story of miscarriages and one stillbirth contains a trigger warning for pregnancy loss, stillbirth, and assault.  My name is April-Marie and I live with a condition that most people do not know exists. Or some have a lack of proper education about it. Most people don’t understand my frustrations when I tell them I…

VBAC Birth Story

VBAC Story – I Had Successfully Pushed Her Into This World

They tried to be as reassuring as possible, but let me know another c-section would be a possibility depending on how the next few hours played out. I had silent tears, I prayed, I talked to my body, I talked to my baby, I pretty much begged the universe to let me have this baby vaginally. I eventually drifted off to sleep, too tired to cry or do much of anything else.

A Gift To My Daughter: Her Birth Story From 1979

A Gift To My Daughter: Her Birth Story From 1979

I believe in my mother’s era there was a popular song with the lyric………”Love, Marriage, and then something about a Baby Carriage” and though after being the oldest child of four children who felt like she had already been a mom and therefore believing I did not want to have my own children, I arrived home from my honeymoon in July of 1978 with my hormones raging with those song lyrics playing over and over in my head!