My husband and I had been trying to conceive for about 6 months or so. I was really starting to think it would never happen again. We were blessed with my chunky 10lb baby boy 4 years ago. The c-section birth I had with him was not what I had planned. I yearned for a vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC), and to know that my size 24 body is capable of birthing.
I can't even tell you why. It is just something I wanted so badly to prove to myself that my plus sized body is capable and not broken. I blamed my bigger body and my weight for years. Next time would be different.
Plus Size VBAC Birth Story
I finally got my positive home pregnancy test in April of 2013. I was elated and scared and just so happy that it finally happened. We soon found out our baby was due on New Year’s, January 1st, 2014.
We decided early on to be surprised on delivery day as to whether we had a son or a daughter. It was a choice that so many people just couldn't comprehend. They said things like “how in the world can you wait that long.” Or “I'd go crazy”. But it was the perfect decision for us.
I wanted that moment of true surprise and elation to happen when I first saw my baby. I wanted my husband to be the one to tell me “We have a boy or girl”.
The months flew by and it all felt so surreal. I couldn't believe I was going to be a mommy of two.
Being pregnant during the hustle and bustle of the holiday season helped to make things move along at a good pace. I decided that I would be perfectly happy with having this baby on Christmas.
After all, my son was born a week before my birthday. I've always called him my birthday present. This baby could be my Christmas present.
Well Christmas came and went and I was READY!!
On Friday, December 27th I had an appointment with my wonderful size friendly, VBAC supporting (advocating actually) OB Dr. H.
He told me that he could check my to see if I was dilating any yet. I agreed because I didn't feel like I had been having many Braxton Hicks yet.
I was SHOCKED to find out I was already 6cm, just not in labor yet.
So my doc discussed with me and my hubby, the idea of going on the hospital that day to have my water broken and to go ahead and have the baby.
One reason behind this thought was that I was group B strep positive so I would need IV antibiotics several hours before delivery, and my doc was afraid I wouldn't be able to get them in time if I went into labor on my own. But because I didn't want any unnecessary medical interventions, I was weary of this decision.
I thought hard about it and told him my fear was that I would go in and have my water broken and then be administered Pitocin if my contractions didn't pick up right away, and we all know the slippery slope that those types of interventions can cause. So I said I'd wait until Monday.
Well later that day I realized I was having a lot more contractions and I even considered going to the hospital a couple of times.
That night at about 4 I had to get up to go the bathroom and realized I was having contractions that were starting to form a pattern. I got back up at about 5:30 a.m. and decided to wake my husband up and tell him to help me time them.
They were coming on stronger and stronger at about 6 minutes apart. So we called my mom to come over and stay with my son.
By the time my mom got to my house at about 6:45 a.m., I was sitting on my yoga ball and having to breathe through each contraction and they were very strong and about 4 minutes apart.
We jumped in the car to get to the hospital as quickly as possible.
Once we were at the hospital I was taken to triage and I was told I was about 7cm dilated. They quickly took me to a room and I couldn't believe how fast things progressed from there.
My contractions were so intense and close together.
The nurses had a really hard time finding a vein to start my iv antibiotics, so after about 5 sticks they finally got it started. By then, they decided to check me again and I was almost ready to start pushing.
It was about 8 am and I started pushing. It was like time was standing still, and with each push I was in my own world and it felt like I was the only one in the room.
I was so internalized at this point. I remember asking if my mom could come in the room. Well it had gone so quickly and she was the only one there with my son, so he got to come in and experience the birth with us.
After one long pause between my back to back contractions, I felt this huge contraction and I gave one last big push and my baby was born.
Feeling exhaustion and bliss all at once, as I heard my baby cry for the first time. Then I heard my husband say, “Honey, it's a GIRL”!!
I opened my gown immediately and they laid my chubby 8lb 10oz beautiful girl on my chest. I felt relief and pure elation!
My son came over to check out his baby sister, Adelyn Elizabeth, for the first time.
It was by far the best birth experience I could have ever asked for and I got to have the all-natural VBAC I had been longing for.
It was hard but it proved to me that my size 24 body is capable of birthing and that's just a beautiful thing.
You Might Also Like: Plus Size Birth's VBAC Resources & Stories
Do you enjoy listening to podcasts? Check out this episode of the Plus Mommy Podcast – Can You Have A VBAC When Plus Size?
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- Plus Size Pregnancy Bumps: From D to B-Bellies, Love Your Shape - August 18, 2024
- 17 Plus Size Pregnancy Myths and Facts That Might Surprise You - June 11, 2024
Thursday 16th of April 2015
I'm a size 24 woman and so afraid of pregnancy because of what the doctors say but I really really want to have a baby.
I cried reading your story. Thank you for giving me a little more strength to go ahead with my dream.
Thursday 16th of April 2015
Amanda ((hugs)) I really encourage you to connect with a size friendly care provider. We have a ton of resources throughout this website.
Wednesday 15th of April 2015
I love love love tho sooooo much!!!!!! I read it right before I had my son on January 8, 2015 and it gave me that extra boost of confidence I needed at the end of my pregnancy to keep going after my vbac!!! I'm also a size 24 and could relate to this very well! Now that I've reread it there's even more I can relate too! Thanks for posting!
Wednesday 15th of April 2015
Oh Angalia that makes me so happy!!!
Meg Dean
Saturday 21st of February 2015
Autumn, THANK YOU for sharing this story! It is such an incredible encouragement to me. I'm not pregnant yet, but hope to be soon, and while it is a huge dream, I'm terrified that my 22/24 body simply can't do this the way I dream it will. I'm so worried I won't find a size friendly provider, and that it will all far apart from there. Thank you for sharing that plus size birth is beautiful and possible!
Monday 23rd of February 2015
Meg I'm so glad you're reading these stories now so you'll be an even better advocate for you and your baby once you are pregnant.
Thursday 22nd of January 2015
I love this article. I'm also a size 24 and had all three of my babies without a c-section. I'm very grateful for my doctors who didn't even consider one for me.
Thursday 22nd of January 2015
Thanks so much for sharing Brandi!
Sam R
Thursday 11th of December 2014
I loved your story. I am plus size and have PCOS. This will be my first baby and I am so scared of being intimidated into a c section. You have given me strength and courage to stick to my guns and trust my body. Also I was in total shock when I read your daughter's name. My husband and I just decided on Adalind Elizabeth for our daughter. Just kinda furthers my thoughts that I was meant to read this article. Thank you so much for sharing.
Thursday 11th of December 2014
Sam so I'm happy you were inspired by Autumn's story! If you're working with a size friendly provider then they will be looking out for your best interest from the start. Be sure to checkout the size friendly provider resource page linked within this article if you have yet to.