three plus size pregnant bellies

Plus Size Pregnancy Bellies: 5 Women Talk About Their Bumps

Open any pregnancy magazine, and you're led to believe that pregnancy only looks like a perfectly round D shaped belly. That's untrue for people of all sizes and especially for those who are plus size. 

Plus size pregnancy bellies come in all shapes, sizes, and colors.

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plus size pregnant bellies - four women

There are bellies covered in stretch marks (often long before pregnancy), and others are shaped more like a B than D. Some women have a hanging apron belly that makes them feel incredibly self-conscious. There's even a possibility that someone will never start showing.

Regardless of what a pregnancy bump (or lack thereof) looks like, a woman can embrace it. She can fall in love with a body that is creating life within it. It's truly possible! And it's incredibly important that women document their pregnancy by taking photos – even if they don't share them via social media.

Below five plus size moms share their stories, plus size maternity images, and talk about plus size pregnancy bellies.

Plus Size Pregnancy Bellies


Hopefully, this will encourage other plus size women to have their maternity pictures taken.

I was 39 weeks with my 3rd, but our 4th child. This was the first time I was brave enough to even have them done.

Sometimes, being plus size, we feel like we can't do what everyone else does. NOT TRUE. We had to do a LOT of hiking, with all my kids, but it was definitely worth it. This boosted my confidence a ton!!

My dress is by KorinnArt Design, she custom makes the dress to fit you. It was very important to me because being 6'2″ and plus size, I struggle to find clothes. It was shipped within 2 weeks.

Photos by Mariah Moreno | Dress from Etsy

plus size pregnant woman standing in a lake
plus size pregnant woman in a long green dress
three imagines of a plus size woman pregnant wearing a long green dress


I went back and forth about doing maternity pictures I just wasn’t confident about not being the average size and then a huge belly to match.

This will be baby #3 and with my previous children I didn’t take any maternity pictures but I gave in and here goes nothing.

Dress by COSYOU

plus size pregnant woman wearing a black lace dress


I was 24 when my mother suddenly passed away. She didn't like having photos taken because she never liked how she looked. That left me with very few photos to remember her by and not much to show my future children who their grandma was.

When I found out I was pregnant, I made a promise to myself that I would make sure to be in all the photos I can no matter my weight for my daughter's sake.

I want to be a good role model for her so I got these maternity photos done. I can honestly say I adore how I look in them. Much thanks to Jodie Otte photography for chronicling this important part of my life.

People don't like to think about their own mortality. So the preservation of memories for those who love you rarely cross their minds. I'd be thrilled if this changed even one person's mind on being in that next photo.

Photos by Jodie Otte | Dress from Etsy

plus size pregnant woman wearing a long dress holding her belly
plus size pregnant woman holding her belly wearing a long purple dress


When I found out I was pregnant it was early in the morning and my 8-month-old twin daughters were sitting at my feet playing with their sister's toothbrushes. My other two girls (then 2&4) were banging on the door, asking me to “come cuddle!”. I literally felt frozen and paralyzed as the plus sign dramatically appeared on the stick I held.

My husband had just had a vasectomy 4 months earlier and was verified as “sterile” the month prior.

Yet here I was, spawned by a dream where I found a baby lost in the woods, peeing on a test. A test I just happened to have in the back of my bathroom closet, and I was finding out we definitely were not done as we had planned.

My husband has been my rock throughout this pregnancy. While it took him awhile to get his head around the news, he quickly began to champion me on with a vigor that was insanely contagious.

We found a whole new level of humor together through this.

We began to just laugh.

Laugh when we felt like crying sometimes but mainly just genuinely see the silver lining.

We laughed when we found out this was going to be our 5th girl and we laughed every time someone said: “don’t you know how those things are made?!”.

I LITERALLY couldn’t have done this without him (haha) but it’s been his amazing support, encouraging words, and loving touch that has caused me to so genuinely smile, glow and embrace all that comes my way.

I’m a mother of 5 daughters, I’m a lioness, I’m a conqueror, I’m proud of my story.

Photos by Jana Marie Photography | Dress by Mother Bee

plus size pregnant woman with twins wearing a long floral dress
family photos of a plus size pregnant woman having maternity photos taken

You can hear more from KC during her interview on the Plus Mommy Podcast –KC’s Plus Size Pregnancy With Twins


Having photos taken made me feel like a goddess! I loved my body for the first time in a long time and appreciated my round bulging belly for the first time ever. I can’t express how special these photos to me are. Pregnancy and birth is such a magical experience. It made me truly believe and appreciate what my body can do.

I have never felt so empowered as a plus size woman then I do now as a mommy.

Photos by Cady Boughtin

plus size pregnant woman wearing a red dress with a floral crown
plus size pregnant woman in red dress with a floral grown standing in a crowd

There are even more beautiful stories about plus size pregnancy bellies linked below. Be sure to follow Plus Size Birth on Instagram for hundreds of bump images and powerful stories.

Jen McLellan, CBE
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